Friday, January 18, 2008


Well, it's my birthday. Twenty-one is nothing special. As predicted, I am not doing anything, although I would like to go and see The Alps at the IMAX at the Science Museum. Maybe I will drink that bottle of Camelot mead from my mom. I wish I could have just turned twenty-one when I was in France like everyone else. I could totally have gone out or whatever. Lesson learned: do not make best friends in France, become terribly attached to them, then move back to the United States and have them disperse all over the country. :( I'm very exited for Spring Break, though. Mark and I are planning on flying down to see Allison in Texas and Chris is going to fly over from Louisiana. We're going to go to the beach, I think. That means I have to lose five pounds, keep it off, and somehow manage to tone up. Blech.

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